суббота, 12 февраля 2011 г.

A bit of nice reading

Yesterday finished Margot Berwin's book
Well, it all strangely reminds me Eat Pray Love though have neither watched it nor read it but heard enough :)
Lila is a typical American, no, better New Yorker, sceptical, with no fantasy world at all, surely the monotonous boring office life in the stone jungle has killed it. And so here she meets a rather weird man in the laundry that by chance happens to be a guru and leads her through her own inconfidence and her dark desires of which she has no idea or better she is too shy to accept them, to the better understanding of who she is.
People are like plants and our passion can be everything starting with simple lust up to guilt that can be so strong as to break someone around you but at the same time be the push to make everything right again.
Maybe someone will find inspiration in that story, you know change your life completely and understand who you really are. Should think about it more.

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